Liebherr-Mischtechnik GmbH
Company information:
Hans Liebherr established the company that bears his name in 1949. Since then it has grown into a group of more than 140 companies on all continents, employing more than 48’000 people at the latest count.
Today, Liebherr is not only among the world’s largest manufacturers of construction machinery, but is an acknowledged supplier of technically advanced, user-oriented products and services in many other fields of activity as well. The Group’s holding company Liebherr-International AG, which is based in Bulle, Switzerland, is wholly owned by members of the Liebherr family. The Liebherr Group’s corporate culture has been determined from its earli- est days by its family ownership. For more than 60 years, Liebherr has demonstrated what this means in terms of stability and trustworthiness, and has striven for a close long-term relationship with its customers and business as- sociates. Liebherr shapes technological progress and aims to retain its position at the leading edge of future technology. All its activities have top quality as their central element. This principle is upheld by all the Group’s employees in their day-to- day work. Liebherr’s products are the outcome of its passion and dedication: tailor-made solutions that take the customer’s needs and wishes as their starting point.
Since 1985 Liebherr develops, produces and distributes efficient moisture measurement systems for the industrial automation around the world. At the beginning the moisture measurement sensors were used only for own Liebherr concrete mixing plants to determine the sand moisture in the process. This has fundamentally changed the last years and the sensors are used in different industrial sectors nowadays, from automotive supplier- to building material-, paper-, food industry to the agriculture sector further on for chemical and petrochemical applications.
At the Liebherr factory in Bad Schussenried the sensors are produced and calibrated in an ESD-protected production line. Sensor development at Liebherr includes the total R&D value chain from the physical idea to the final solution, from the first concept to the finished product. The experience from the field of construction machines under extreme conditions guarantees a very high reliability and a long life time of the sensors.
Our sensors reliably determine the moisture or water content in various materials and liquids. The benefit of Liebherr measurement systems is high precision thanks to 40 measurements per second, as well as the sensors' reproducibility. The systems can be integrated in various production facilities such as on conveyor belts, upstream and downstream of dryers, at transfer points, in hoppers but also in pipelines or tanks. Our systems measure, monitor and regulate the humidity or water content automatically and in real time. Continuous measurement guarantees high precision.
Some of our sensors can also be used in explosion-proof areas. In order to offer sensors for the device protection categories II 1/2 G Ex ia IIC T6 Ga and II 1/2 D Ex ia IIIC T85 °C we are certified according DIN EN ISO / IEC 80079-34.